At Home with Diversity - AHWD

08 May

5.8.25 At Home with Diversity Certification

5.8.25 At Home with Diversity Certification

Thursday, May 8, 2025 (9:00 AM to 4:00 PM)
2 Hrs CE Fair Housing, 2 Hrs Real Estate Related/ 2 Hrs PLE Fair Housing, 2 Hrs Current Trends Education Credits
Hybrid-Virtual & Classroom, Charlottesville, Virginia

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This course is offered as hybrid= Virtual & Classroom

REALTORS® know the importance of adapting and remaining relevant in today's marketplace. By developing a business practice rooted in inclusion and equality, REALTORS® can help buyers of all cultural backgrounds achieve the dream of homeownership. The At Home with Diversity® (AHWD) certification course covers how to work effectively with diverse populations so you can build business success in today's multicultural real estate market. Plus much more!

This certification offers 2 Hrs. Fair Housing & 2 Hrs. Real Estate Related CE, or 2 Hrs. Fair Housing & 2 Hrs. Current Trend PLE.

This is an elective credit for ABR & CIPS designations. This is also a required course for GRI designation completion. Please note the extended time.

You MUST be pre-registered to attend. If you are attending virtually, please read the School Policies -Virtual Training Policy. You must be visible on camera during this session. 

Hybrid-Virtual & Classroom - Classroom
Hybrid-Virtual & Classroom (Classroom)
550 Hillsdale Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22901

Map & Directions

Copeland, Reggie
Reggie Copeland, passionately known as “The Bow-Tie Guy” has been licensed for 20+ years. He has served on the Grievance Committee, Professional Standard Committee and also the Board of Directors for NVAR, giving back to the industry that he loves dearly. 

Throughout his career Reggie has managed his own real estate team, managed a real estate office and just recently founded C.R.Copeland Real Estate. He has especially enjoyed opportunities of teaching which has been extremely rewarding over the past 15 years. His goal has always been to teach real estate classes with lots of excitement! Reggie is a certified instructor and teaches GRI, Principles & Practices of Real Estate as well as many other courses. He has sold residential and commercial real estate and has been a contributor to NVAR’s RE+View Magazine and the Washington Post.

Cancellation requests (written or phoned) will be accepted through 5:00 p.m. two business days preceding each class. All paid tuition other than the $25 (GRI), non-refundable, non-transferable to another person deposit will be refunded. No refunds will be given for cancellations made after the close of business on that day. (Requests for refund consideration due to extenuating circumstances must be received by CAAR in writing within 15 days after class start date).  This course is offered as hybrid, you MUST be pre-registered to attend. If you are attending virtually, please read the School Policies -Virtual Training Policy. You must be visible on camera during this session. No driving, riding as a passenger, or moving around during class.